4月7日發佈的“榕樹下” 的四張相片,是新福州的新榕Vs福州的古榕,有網友指出詩巫大伯公廟前的百年樹本是雨樹不是榕樹。在下經過查證發覺真的不是榕樹,雖然在樹底下的告示版說是榕樹,真的擺了烏龍,榕樹成了烏龍樹了。
這裡先發佈幾年前在柬埔寨吳哥窟(Angkor Wat)所拍攝的榕樹。由此可見榕樹若不受限制其根部的發展會造成很大的破壞力,該廢墟除了天氣人為的影響,也面對榕樹根的延伸而破壞。
Angkor Wat吴哥窟
Ankor Wat is the majestic work of Suryavarman II. It was built from 1113 to 1150, when the Khmer civilization was at the height of its development, represent one of humankind's most astonishing and enduring architectural achievements.
The lands where the city of Angkor stands were not chosen as a settlement site because of any pre-existing sacred importance, but rather for their strategic military position and agricultural potential.
The Thais sacked Angkor in 1431 and the Khmers abandoned the city in 1432, after this the city was more or less 'lost' for a few centuries. Recognizing the sacred nature of the temples but ignorant of their origins, they invented fables about the mysterious sanctuaries, saying they had been built by the gods in a far ancient time. Centuries passed, these fables became legends, and pilgrims from the distant reaches of Asia sought out the mystic city of the gods.
Few people believed the stories to be anything more than legend however, until Henri Mouhot, a French explorer brought Angkor to the world's attention in 1860. The French people were enchanted with the ancient city and beginning in 1908 funded and superbly managed an immense restoration project. The restoration has continued to the present day, excepting periods in the 70's and 80's when military fighting prevented archaeologists from living near the ruins.
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烏龍樹形稍小屬於張開形, 枝葉較密生,葉長橢圓形,滋味甘醇,香氣高雅,似茉莉花香及少數桂花之香氣。特有香氣及高山茶 特色 . 獨特烘焙,保留茶感 ,兼顧喉韻與保存性 外觀色澤翠綠鮮活,香氣淡雅清香特殊輕火烘焙,最受歡迎的台灣本土茶,最多人喝的好茶.
雨樹錯認為榕樹,擺了個烏龍, 那就來一杯烏龍茶解渴吧.
樹 榕樹 烏龍樹
茶 好茶 烏龍茶