
曼德拉囚在Robben Island 27年

  到了南非的南端的開普敦Cape Town的遊客,通常一定會出海到7公里西方的海上一個小島-羅本島Robben Island-參觀;過去這是一個惡名昭彰的監獄小島,現在成為著名的反省人權、民主、自由的聯合國遺產的博物館及旅遊景點!




From the 17th to the 20th centuries, Robben Island served as a place of banishment, isolation and imprisonment. Today it is a World Heritage Site and museum, a poignant reminder to the newly democratic South Africa of the price paid for freedom.

“Today when I look at Robben Island, I see it as a celebration of the struggle and a symbol of the finest qualities of the human spirit, rather than as a monument to the brutal tyranny and oppression of apartheid. It is true that Robben Island was once a place of darkness, but out of that darkness has come a wonderful brightness, a light so powerful that it could not be hidden behind prison walls… '
Nelson Mandela

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4 条评论:

杨善 说...


Ah Meng [老猴深算] 说...


Bean 说...


menglei 说...
