

热点逾30个 北区烟霾恶化
砂拉越新闻 - 美里

虽然环境局官员表示,他们将会严厉监督露天焚烧,以免情况恶化。惟当记者询及当局的执法情况,包括有多少涉及露天焚烧者受到对付、罚款时,官员却无言以对。 *

图:靠近科廷理工大学(Curtin University)的丛林大火,至少10公顷的丛林付之一炬。

1 条评论:

Ensurai 说...

I have to live with this. Got eyes can see. But no big shots come out to say anything...except nice advise "Stop burning during such hot days....."
Some folks have no ears....May be that is not smoke we see?
One of the best selling items in Miri is air con...no more offers. My 15 year old air con needs replacement. Suddenly I have to pay more for a new unit. Installation also go up - petrol price has gone up? No book to say....my last sen of my pension also goes up in smoke...