當在下見證茶友(Tea friends)阿昌與雁伶簽名時,回想到25年前在下與美鐘也作類似的Signature......咱們在詩巫新福源堂由當時會長林忠誨牧師及已故長輩林忠贊為證婚人的面前簽下了這張婚約紙!
When I saw Ah Chiong and Eein Ling signed their marriage signature in front of me-one of the witness- and community registrar, my memory flied 25 years back the similar occasion taken at Xin Fu Yuan Methodist ......Mee Chung and I also makes similar Signature.
Ah Chiong and Eein Ling read Marital affidavit before us.
This is my first time to do the signature as a marriage witness.
2 witness with tie, but the young couple with simple dress......O, no joke lah!
Anyway we are happy to witness this simple signature ceremony, their grand marriage matrimony will be held on 21st this month, at 9:30am, at the first church,Sing Ang Tong church, Sg Merah All guests are reminded to put on blue or white dress.
8 条评论:
The marriage certificate signed 25 years ago is so well kept!
You will make a good marriage counsellor to these two! :)
CY,after 25 years of quarelling, the unending clamorously marriage (still posting)may be not a good example for the young couple.Haha
But we hv tea time every monday.
Hi, i send you emial via corncob2008@gmail.com hven't u receieved?
May be you can help Ahock to answer his enquiry, you can click the picture from his link 盒子的照片 or you find the message from my ShoutMix chat post by him at 2009-03-04
or you try this
congratulation 雁伶&阿昌!
And I think you have to post the wedding photos of this lovely couple. We are waiting!
Ahock's queries will be answered in a few days' time when I get my Penan friend to give the exact vocabulary.
The small round ones are for the poison for the darts (which are kept in a longer tubing)
The bigger ones are for tobacco. But I may be wrong. Will confirm.
Not easy to get these. About $45 and above..cheaper in the tamu in Marudi.