
...(20)新加坡的變化Singapore in the Changing

  新加坡智慧山(Mt Sophia)的三一神學院(創於1948年) 曾住過一兩個晚上,那是好多年前的事了,前幾年因為政府徵地被收並賠巨款,三一遷往武吉知馬路上段。日前在邱仁發會長的輪班(lunbang幫載)下到這裡舊地重遊,成為一些手工藝術品的展覽的地區。新加坡政府徵地賠償,乾淨俐落,咱們砂拉越喜歡人民土地就劃紅線幾十年,但常是沒有即時動用,也沒賠償,也沒動作,鬥誰長命......!
Trinity Theological College, Singapore was established in 1948, previous located at Mt Sophia.1996, Singapore government acquires the Mount Sophia campus. 2001 TTC moves to its new campus at Upper Bukit Timah Road. The unique roof of the new chapel replicates the former Mt Sophia chapel built in 1969.
In Sarawak we always heard that land under section 47 or 48 will be taken by government,but there will be no progress for many years.In Singapore, the government pay the compensation and construct the projects in short time.

新加坡要建賭場,為吸引遊客,讓外資流入,新加坡人的品格受到考驗;不過為了好聽及面子問問題,他們都沒說是蓋賭場,是綜合渡假區(Intergrated Resort-IR),圖示賭場正在大興土木。
Construction is now underwayMarina Bay Singapore, the most hyped-up being Singapore 's first casino and Integrated Resort (IR).
