Hundreds of bicycles park under Bayan trees at National Taiwan University
Another Bicycle park near by NTU campus, Taipei
台大於1928年成立之初,因為是日本佔據時期,叫做「臺北帝國大學」。 1945年對日抗戰勝利,臺灣光復,改組後更名為「國立臺灣大學」,由羅宗洛博士擔任首任校長。
The predecessor of National Taiwan University was Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University, founded by the Japanese in 1928.After World War II, renamed it ''National Taiwan University'' on November 15, 1945, with Dr. Lo Tsung-lo serving as the first president.
Drunken Moon Lake, NTU
後來,常有人在晚上到醉月湖時會聽到有女子的聲音問到 "請問現在幾點鐘 ?" 而問的時間多半是11點左右 ,然而被問的人一回頭往往什麼都看不見......,慢慢的事情傳開 ,學校為避免事態的擴大就把連往湖心的橋拆掉,這就是醉月湖湖心亭故事的由來。
A tale about Drunken Moon Lake
There was once a girl who committed suicide at the lake when her boyfriend fell in love with another girl and broke up with her.
From that day on, a girl in a white outfit has been seen during midnight, pacing back and forth around the lake.
However, she never hurts anyone and is completely harmless. Many girls who visit the lake simply use the story of the ghost of the Drunken Moon Lake as a warning to their boyfriends to stay true to them forever.
Students dressed with outlandish clothes or imitate the people from Cartoon, as models near by the lake for the photographer shooting.
西班牙國家研究委員會 (the Spanish NationalResearch Council)網路計量研究中心 (Centre forScientific Information and Documentation,CINDOC-CSIC)的網路實驗室 (Laboratorio deInternet ),針對全世界四千所大學網路學術表現進行「世界大學網路排名」 (Webometrics Rankings ofWorld Universities)研究,發布的世界大學網路最新排名,台灣大學(National Taiwan University)居世界73名,在亞洲排名第2名,僅次於日本東京大學。
據英國泰唔士報高教增刊(THES)2006年全球200間最佳大學排行榜,馬來亞大學(簡稱馬大Malaya University)的排名不斷下滑,從2004年的89跌至192,2006年再下滑23個位置,跌至192。2008年更跌出二百之外,排名246。