6 条评论:
主席說以後我們不可以說國會漏水,偷工減料等,因為我們教會聖堂都還沒有完成巳經出現漏水現像了... ...??也許工程越大,問題也越多,另一方面也出現經驗不足的現象囉!!!聖堂延遲完工,其中一問題便是漏水的問題... ....
Quality of work counts.
No...不是ARCHITECT 的问题,应该是建筑商的功夫还不到家.繪測設計師繪測設計師設計師
If roof leaking then roofing lapping should be sufficient enough the longer the better, ridge capping sometime also under size. If possible order big width ridge capping to cater the water penetrate in after got strong wing blow.
All this very much depend on workmanship on site and site experience.
Sometime young architect also overlook on the design, human error and etc.
Yes, contractor need to upgrade their technic but the consultant and architect need to supervise and make sure the work going well......
A lot of work even like Hoover Memorial Park at Sg Merah, the roof of the 漏斗also not well done,but the consultant and archectect compromise finally.
The contractors here just want to make more money not want to improve their works.The architect make more money as well, but looks great not the quality......
So where is your ZION Church engineer? Are they really concern on any renovation works which had carried out to the church service places.Is there any technical assistant there? If got then request /ask them to go to the ground to get involve!
In bible did teached us in churches we had teacher, pastor, all got "sze" so engineer also qualified. This is what we practice at Mukah. If you got any specialize then you contribute for the good of fellowship