When I saw some armed soldiers, I was wondering whether I enter a forbidden area or a protected Military area by mistake?
Oh, It was exihibition department for the Ministry of National Defense, Taiwan, readers and visitors were invited to participate the shooting training-for fun only!
Exihibition hall for the department of Defense, of course the counter display their publications and try to recruit new members as well.
On marital road, we can't expect everything goes well and smooth, my wife was uncomfortable that morning and stayed at YMCA hotel to rest.This was the 3rd day we arrived Taipei.Being bound by a common destiny even complementing one another,a lot of affairs we need to face or encounter by oneself alone!
Anyway, LIVE cartoon character made the World Trade Exihibition hall more LIVELY!Our life sometimes purposely need to create some fun and games......
2009 第十七屆台北國際書展重點特色 :
The Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) is the most vibrant and active book fair of its kind in Asia. The TIBE has successfully hosted 500 international publishers from 41 countries.
Thailand has been invited as the “guest of honour” at TIBE to demonstrate its cultural diversity for 2009. But it seems the language barrier, the“Reading Thai”department was not so attractive.Although the whole exhibition hall was crowd with the sea of people(人山人海),not many readers paid interested at Thai pavilion.
With a population of just 23 million, Taiwan has 9,000 registered publishers who annually bring 40,000 new titles to the market.The gap between Taiwan and Malaysia is HUGH!The publishers in Malaysia need to pursue and put more effort to work hard.
That morning I went to book fair with Rev Yun Ngik from KL, we had a quick and brief tour around one of the 3 halls for almost 2 hrs.