

  1958-1972年來砂拉越的范雷敦(Bliss Leighton Wiant),其中有14年時間在木桂蘭渡過,他的一個兒子但以理(Daniel Wiant)是在詩巫劉欽候醫院出生的,對於這裡一景一物是多么熟悉,卻又是那么陌生......

  上午十一點的太陽是好大的,這位近80歲的山芭人宣教士,當車停在榕南小學,就一馬當先,衝進草叢,找到36年前經常使用的農場碼頭.....Oh! My goodness......All Gone!這位美國紅毛仔用純正的福州話說道頭不見了!(道頭是碼頭的意思)
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4 条评论:

Tony Hii 说...

Meng Lei, my first personal Bible was given by him. Is he now in Sibu?

天鵝江畔 说...

They left Sibu this morning ......

I Am Sarawakiana 说...

CanI have his email? What about Mr and Mrs. Heath?

In this way I can communicate with them as well as Miss Mona Pengelley who is now in Cornwall.

I used to sit on the Dou Tau with Miss Mona and went to the longhouses with her in the mobile clinic.

What a small world. Is the Church still there? Show us a picture. I am posting this to Cornwall and Bristol (Mr. and Mrs. Wilsthire)

leyasen 说...

Stood at the spot before,
Now I still stand there,
River come and go,
I remain, eternally.