
Sarikei No. 1

No. 1 來了

  他很高興就說中國四川的地震,但第二句講什么就聽不來,在下邀請他與阿啟哥拍一張合照,並叫阿啟哥舉兩個手指表示是No. 2,但No. 1把他糾正為大拇指,咔嚓!相片出來兩個都是No. 1,在下恭喜阿啟哥,這位仁兄是泗里奎No. 1,他則是詩巫No. 1了!


2 条评论:

I Am Sarawakiana 说...

Daniel and ML,

You have No. I in Sarikei and we have our "Sunshine" in Miri.

He is often seen - smiling always - near Keladi (Mr. Lau) in the day time. When we found out where Sunshine goes to sleep, we were so saddened.

Yeah,he sleeps on top of the cement table near the wrapped up salted vegetables in the Central Market. He has been "looking after" our Central Market for years and years.

We never know. He may be the happiest man of Miri.

Hope I am not intruding.

匿名 说...
