上週趁著陪太座去廣恩堂,他們在排練時,在下與阿榮哥(楊景榮)父子一起到泗里奎打先鋒,轉過海唇街(Wharf Road-實是碼頭街),他指說這間咖啡店的羅地包很好吃!但是因為禮拜天下午已經收檔,望門興嘆!
第二天阿道(黃傳道牧師)帶領大家去泗里奎玩兩個小時之遊,在下“輪班”(好像是馬來話-幫載的意思)阿啟哥嫂直抵這間龍門客棧-益星茶室(Aik Seng),馬上order兩粒新鮮又熱哄哄的羅地包,除了塗了牛油及咖椰,還有一層花生糕,吃到咱們大喊太爽快啦!
有關炭火詳情可以參閱Sarawakiana的Charcoal and its Uses in Sibu
益星茶室外觀,有關泗里奎最多資訊的部落可以參閱Sarikei Capsule
7 条评论:
Dear Meng Lei,
I was in Sarikei on 17 May 2007 saturday to give medical talk there in the afternoon. We went there to eat the bun as well, tasted good but the persons who served us drinks and buns were very rude, as if we offended them by coming to his cafe. That impresssion sure lasts for a while. As we say, first impression might be the only impression.
Dr Tang Sie Hing
What a wonderful find!! That stove should be in a special Foochow Museum!!!
Thanks for giving my eyes a feast!!
Hi, Hin-Dai Fu
Sorry about your first impression, anyway i perfer bao(Bun) more than the shop owner!
I will attend the Music camp at June, are u around? Bring me to some good bun in Kuching OK?
I like Miri bun(燒包)as well, but not own by foochow, i think.
Yesterday I went to Chew HOck Chung commercial center a new restaurant 中華樓also bake good bun!
If you come to Miri, you will definitely get Miri Siew Pao from Me....make it a date!
Dear Meng Lei,
I will close my Normah clinic from 1-8/June/2008 coz I am the translator and doctor in charge for the world music association meeting in Crown Riverside. So I see you there. Then we can go makan.
Sie Hing
以前还有AH NGOR海南人制的面包更怀念呀!用手工炭火制的。在丽士戏院左则小巷。