上周五驅車去美里,恭謀先一天帶去每次來一定光顧的燒包店,第二天他說要去富麗華後面的court mammoth旁的新燒包店再吃包;
在下從怡仔的blog曉得她是一位對詩巫史地很熟悉的 英文作者,而她又是一位老師,曾在師訓學院教書所以英文寫得很好;這場的Tea n Bao要結束前在下把拙作《福州人.拓荒路》(Pioneer Trail of Foochow)及《詩巫掠影》(Sibu-Swan City)給她,又送她兩本砂華族文化協會出版的劉子政紀念集與砂中區鄉土誌,她好高興!她昨天就介紹書內容及把與在下的相片post上去了!
4 条评论:
Thank you for the opportunity to share. Cousin KM is a busy towkay and not often we can find time to talk about old times.
So when friends come from Sibu it is good to be together, as they say, for old time's sake.
And again thank you for the books and reintroduction to the pastor.
Hope we have more time in the future for more pau, big or small. We don't have the Shanghai siaw lung pau yet. Little Dragon Pau.
Let's have your books translated into English!
By the way, for the book Sarawak and Its People, what are the chapters? I found one published in 1955, but I am not sure if this is the one.
Chapter 1 What This Book is About
Chapter 2 Map
Chapetr 10 The Forests of sarawak
Chapter 20 The British: How Rajah Brooke Came to sarawak
Chapter 21 One Hundred years of Progress
Chapter 30 Imports and Exports
Chapter 34 Indonesian Borneo
I heard about Chanyi way back in 80s from my colleagues who were her students. This is the first time I saw her in picture.
I came here from Sarawakiana's blog
Does your book on Foochow talk about how Foochows came to Sarikei? I'm interested to see whether your findings jive with what other books wrote. Pls see my sarikei blog
I'm also happy to feature in my blog on the portion of your book on how Foochows came to Sarikei. My email is dyiek@hotmail.com