

Mr Lim 從印尼坤甸坐巴士車回到古晉約10多個鐘頭,然後又從古晉坐巴士回到詩巫7個多鐘頭,他說特地要手拿這幾粒鹽蛋給在下嚐呢!


詩巫咖啡店(Sibu Coffee Shop)

3 条评论:

I Am Sarawakiana 说...

Can you find out what kind of food did the Second Kang Chu Lau Kah Tii feed his ducks and did he make salted eggs?

No photos and record of this part of Foochow history.

Most Sibu Foochows get salted eggs from China and as a result we have lots of those clay jars...now less of them....How resourceful they were!

天鵝江畔 说...

Are you sure, I will ask my Uncle ie Kah Tii,s son Mr Lau Pang Hung after i m back.
I m now on travelling.

Toh Chee Leong's Collections 说...

Menurut maklumat yang saya perolehi daripada datuk saya ialah telur itik yang berkulit warna kebiruan itu lebih berkualiti daripada telur yang kulitnya berwarna putih (warna biasa)? Sejauh manakah Encik Wong Meng Lei bersetuju dengan kenyataan ini? Sekian.