
Shepherd of my Soul

  昨天下午在古晉聖公會的聖信堂,張德松女兒哼唱父親愛聽的這首英文詩歌-Shepherd of My Soul,在youtube找到與大家共享!
Shepherd Of My Soul
Martin Nystrom
Shepherd of my soul, I give You full control
Wherever You may lead I will follow
I have made the choice, to listen to Your voice
Wherever You may lead, I will go
Be it in a quiet pasture, or by a gentle stream
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side
Should I face a mighty mountain, or a valley dark and deep
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide

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匿名 说...

太 美 好 了 , 谢 谢 。