足立詩巫 眼放天下
Everything about SIBU and beyond......
人聯黨的UCS(聯合學院)先是由啟德行集團收購,現在則RM1脫售給Yayasan砂基金局去負責,其實是為了配合首長泰益的已故老婆萊拉的紀念品...... 在KLT啟用禮上,首長表示幾年內要轉型為大學呢! 無論如何,若能實踐,也是好事一件囉! 圖示換上新招牌KLT的聯合學院UCS,前門保留舊招牌? 不過有人認為這與聯合學院最初創辦的宗旨有不同,所以似乎是人聯黨對自己的策略是身不由己,由別人主導?那更遑論為民服務呢? 昨天首相納吉又來到古晉,聲明巫統不會來......so far Sarawak still remains the only state with UMNO free !
The character of SUPP has been asked to dance to the tune played by the piper...and someone is paying the piper...No prize to guess whether SUPP got brains or not.
so Sarawakians need to support current BN in order to get avoid the interfere of UMNO? so We still need to stand firm with SUPP in order to make the BN in Sarawak strong? so let SUPP to do what they want to do including to donate the UCS building to CM? so SUPP boleh, so PBS boleh, so BN-Sarawak boleh!
ya. i agree, it's mismanage. also, i heard staff recruiting also associated with nepotism, favouritism. UCS shd also review why can't attract sarawakians and why most sarawakians prefer to go peninsular? good students will not choose UCS, and that's the problem. not only that, there are also problems with government recognition like MQA accreditation. UCS diploma graduates had problems in furthering study bcoz the course was not accredited. to me, setting up of UCS itself is full of politics, supp just want to use it as political tool i.e. we sarawakian chinese do have our own college. but the thing is are we sarawakian proud with this college?
i think maybe shift focus and concern to methodist pilley better than ucs (i can only name these 2 institutions of higher learning (IHL) in sibu, any others?). ucs is too full/influenced by politics, let it 自生自灭 ba.
17 条评论:
Public accountability has long been assassinated by the dagger of self interest.
The character of SUPP has been asked to dance to the tune played by the piper...and someone is paying the piper...No prize to guess whether SUPP got brains or not.
so Sarawakians need to support current BN in order to get avoid the interfere of UMNO?
so We still need to stand firm with SUPP in order to make the BN in Sarawak strong?
so let SUPP to do what they want to do including to donate the UCS building to CM?
so SUPP boleh,
so PBS boleh,
so BN-Sarawak boleh!
We must really know why and how a college can first become a university college and then how a university college become a university.
I have even heard of people getting a quickie degree by attending just a few talks...Sibu boleh?
WE do need to understand what is the real meaning of scholar-ship.
May be it is time to re-invent the Chinese Civil Examination ....????
ya. i agree, it's mismanage. also, i heard staff recruiting also associated with nepotism, favouritism. UCS shd also review why can't attract sarawakians and why most sarawakians prefer to go peninsular? good students will not choose UCS, and that's the problem. not only that, there are also problems with government recognition like MQA accreditation. UCS diploma graduates had problems in furthering study bcoz the course was not accredited. to me, setting up of UCS itself is full of politics, supp just want to use it as political tool i.e. we sarawakian chinese do have our own college. but the thing is are we sarawakian proud with this college?
人联拍马屁的功夫还是没有韦小宝那样高明! 如果把诗巫市改名为萊拉市,我想收获将会更大,白毛也会高兴到三天三夜不能入睡!
Hahaha….this will definitely make黄乃裳turn in his grave!
Better don't mixed politics with higher education, unfortunately in Bolehland, this is boleh.
i think maybe shift focus and concern to methodist pilley better than ucs (i can only name these 2 institutions of higher learning (IHL) in sibu, any others?). ucs is too full/influenced by politics, let it 自生自灭 ba.