Alex(亞歷山大-Alexander Manton)在詩巫找到外曾祖父蒲魯士的紀念園及相片,很是感動!
蒲魯士(William Nesbit Brewster)於1890年到中國的興化宣教,建學堂醫院,設孤兒院戒煙所,翻譯興化話聖經等,1911年聽到福州人移民詩巫生活還過的不錯的消息,就親自去看一下。然後,在富雅各教士的協助下,安排在詩巫新珠山的另一邊給興化人去開墾園地。1912年兩批共141人的興化人在蒲魯士安排陳秉忠牧師帶領來到詩巫。
Alexander Mares-Manton came to Sibu at 13 July 2009 to trace the footsteps of his great grandfather, William Nesbit Brewster.
Brewster was a missionary for Hinhua, China and want to sought a place oversea for the hinhua ppl after he heard the foochow migrants enjoyed the good life in Sibu, Borneo.1911 He came to Sibu and asked a piece of land opposite sg Merah for Hinhua.1912 two batches of Hinhua migrants, all are Methodists move to Sibu.
Brewster's son Harold was a founder of Kapit Christ Hospital, upper Rajang River, Sarawak during 1956.
Pic shows Alex stand before his great grandfather memorial park - Sibu Hinhua memorial park.

前拍後拍,詩巫與這位宣教世家的後代有密切關係,後來1956年間,蒲魯士的兒子蒲天壽(Harold Brewster)在加帛創辦基督醫院(Kapit Christ Hospital)。這次時間匆忙,Alex表示8月間會與母親去一趟。

Alex taste the Hinhua Meehoon with Ling Chung Kiang, the chairman of Sibu Hinhua association.
He describe the Hinhua taste excellent!

(興化)Hin Hua, Henghua, Hinhwa, Xinhwa
Reference articles from Sarawakianaii:
Hinhua and Rev BrewsterThe Hinhua early settlement daysChrist Hospital related with Brewster's family