

  阿姑蛋(右,吳桂菲)是在下在民都魯期間的團契朋友,40歲嫁給紅毛人Davis,雖高齡產婦還連生了兩個孩子,勇氣可佳;因為丈夫在Shell公司工作,一個地方工程完了就到另一個地方,去年他們去了阿酋聯的阿布達比(Abu Dhabi),日前回來在古晉相遇,黃靈鶯(中)泗里奎人現在古晉為英文老師,帶來黑橄欖與她分享。

1 条评论:

I Am Sarawakiana 说...

I am slowly revising my Foochow by reading your very humourous blog (yu murh). I remember calling many of my father's cousins as Ah Koo Roh. But not Ah Koo Long.

But many people I know are called Ah Long, (egg) and Ah Chow (pink) or Ah Mui Chow.

thank you for refreshing my memories.