

上周有一對不速之客夫婦來到在下河必,妻子出生北京,現在澳堪培拉大學教授,要尋找其母親曾於1939年間來到詩巫的一段情。她的母親李曉音當時與上海一起唸書的同學,詩巫人黃增安一同來到詩巫參與推動共產地下活動,她是著名的播音員,精通中英。不過,半年後離開到新加坡,傳與著名詩人郁達夫有過一段情,並參與新加坡麗的呼聲的播音;不過後來又輾轉到印尼、倫敦等地,回到北京與著名原子彈專家張栻結婚,並生了張箴。文化革命期間跑到香港,張箴後來到澳洲唸書拿到博士並留教。她高興在詩巫找到了這段其母親的迷失的一環,並要寫一本有關其母親的書,也是中國近代史的縮影。周一的茶會,他倆又來到在下河必,身為文學博士的丈夫克理斯,就資料所得憑文學的想像,與茶友講中國近代史的一個小女人的經歷,很是有趣。他們倆都是博學多才,著作甚豐,丈夫在網站給在下看其一本著作:Family and the State in Early Modern Revenge Drama - Economies of Vengeance。在下連書名都不懂,不過,在十多位茶友面前,他可以把仍未完成的故事說的有聲有色,算是一個很特別的茶會。Felicia Zhang holds PhD in Education (University of Canberra, Australia), 2006. Director of Educational programs and projects, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra.Her husband Chris McMahon holds a PhD in English from the University of Queensland. He is a Tutor in International Studies, University of Canberra, Australia.They came to Sibu to look for a mssing link of her mother once follow a Sibuian came to Sibu in late 1930's. But left for Singapore after a short stay. Her mother Li Siew Ing(李曉音)a famous broadcaster, was related with Wong Zhen Ann, a Borneo active communist based in Rajang Basin and Yu Dafu (郁達夫1896 – 1945), was a modern Chinese short story writer and poet.But she was get married with other 2 gentlemen.
