下一張圖片可以看出兩岸泥土崩塌的多么嚴重,下游因為這幾年快艇較少川行,沒有這麼土崩現像,上游還是只有水路一途,所以仍然崩塌的利害;不過,也出現另一種現像......(看明天post 的文章圖片)
5 条评论:
I grew up living down the mighty Rejang River for more than half a decade. More than half of my childhood and teenage years were involved directly or indectly with the water.
The comparison taken from the pictures of today and of yesterday (and too bad that none of these photos is available today or if there is anybody who can find one)has definitely revealed to us one thing that the present River is heavily polluted.
If there is no development or no progress, there will not be pollution, and vice versa also holds true. However, the degree or the extent of such pollution could of course be held to the minumum given that today we have the latest technology.
Soil erosion is of course a definite way of destroying the nature. We all do not want to see it happen nor the Government. Countries such as that in New Zealand or even in parts of the U.S.A. will not find this kind of "diasater". (I call it a "disaster" because in our land, people who lived there earlier who were the farmers depending on these pieces of lands had been forced to move away from their homes and their lands. Many of whom ended up with no work or jobs to earn a basic living.)
0n the other hand, when you have more convenience travelling in the "Expresses" (the modern boats) up and down the River, you will realize soon how the banks have literally been eaten away by the huge waves pounding on them unceasingly produced by these boats which ply along the river hourly day in and day out.
So far, no satisfactory steps have been taken to restore the pitiful situation, and that makes me wonder further when it will be the next victim to be affected and move away.
I will be happy too to lend a hand in anyway I could, even though I do not own a piece of land along the Rejang. I suppose 0ya is of the same opinion of mine when he offers his help to discuss on this pertinent issue.
Even along the longest and largest river-Brito River in Kalimantan, Indonesia also active in logging for years, but the water there remain in clean and drinkable.
The government in Indonesia regard as corruption, but compare to Sarawak, they do good more enviromentally, isn't?
I totally agree with River Lover. I will have something to say, and I will get back to this issue sometime later.
But, first of all, let me say "thank you" to him, because I am very happy to see someone else expressed his thoughts along this Rejang River issue.
I hope 0ya will read this soon too and he may have something to add too.
Yes, coming back now to the River Lover's issue. I think I better hold on a bit before I add in anything else. I believe it will be good for you and me and for anyone else who may attempt to come in and have a look.
Let me hold on for another day or so to see if any one else has any other opinions regarding the Rejang River, the Water, the Soil Erosion and the Environment and human life.