6 条评论:
我們記得ROME IS NOT BUILT IN ONE DAY﹐還有歐洲的一些最有名教堂都是經過幾百年的建設﹐好多個主教的年代才完成的。有的還在建造之中﹐比如西班牙Barcelona的Sagrada Familia 教堂
這是一條貪橋,承包商就擺明吃錢,不夠又撥款,再吃,再撥款,本來是五六千萬令吉的工程,結果超過一億元;最後沒辦法,是交給Brooke Dockyard去包尾......故事還有很多,旁邊還有小工還未完成,所以還未正式開幕的!
Both of them have their viewpoints, one by oya, and the other, "Wu Nai Ho" (sorry that this is just a literal tanslation from your direct name).
Much of the story that goes around the central region,including Sibu, focuses on the billion dollars of money that had been initially allocated to build and complete the Durin Bridge, but some how the whole task of building it was left aside until recently and completed just recently.
Yes, what has happened to the initially allocation of billion dollars of money to build this bridge no one knows------not even until now.
What is now a fact is that the dual carriage of bridge (two on each side) has been cut to one on each side), and therefore, no one knows also what has happened to this extra amount of money.
It is a fact that it took almost 15 years to build out present general hospital, but do you know exactly how long it took to build this bridge?
As a conscious and responsible citizen of this country, I only wish to say that we want clean government, government which is able to see to the needs of the peoples, to be able to face total accountability for what they have done, and to put others before themselves.
And I believe, what the late President of U.S.A., John F. Kennedy said should be a very good morror for the Malaysian Government to ponder upon, to reflect and correct their line of thought,
Are we having this type of politians in the Government organizations?
There is no doubt that projects, big or small, no matter how long or how carefully they are undertaken should not appear as to what has happened to the Durin Bridge. Where a bridge is neccessary. it should come as the priority to be built first, and not to be built at a place, like in Miri, where few people are using it.
Thanks Siew Tung for the opinion. I did not express my political view on this issue, but I would blast both the ruling and opposition parties coming to this bridge. We may understand that the Chinese party from Sibu simply could not do anything. It was the big brother who appointed a wrong contractor to run the business here. Once the contractor got the job, he can milk the cow until it is half dead. Then some one else had to feed and cure the half-dead cow. The watch dogs did not really voice enough on this project. Until now, they are rather quiet after winning big in some constituencies in the recent state election. As a citizen, I lost trust on both sides.
It must be very shameful to have the opening ceremony for this incomplete bridge. I can see that the 'full’ foundations are there. When time comes (may be during next election??), some one will announce that we will continue to work on the bridge. This has been the kind of mentality of our politics.
We are frustrated, but we could only pray for a better tomorrow.
Yes, 0ya, I think we all ( including the peoples of the entire Central Region) should really be ashamed of what has happened to the entire working process of the bridge and how the whole matter was being handled.
Let us just hope for a better tomorrow. Perhaps, we should never give up hope, because as long as there is some sort of breath, there is still hope of life.
I would also like to hear some views from others too.
Thank you, 0ya, for your instant views on mine this afternoon. I, in fact, did not expect to see yours coming on so urgently.
Thank you, anyway.