



公園內發出一個老爸教訓孩子的聲音,我在周邊走動了超過十分鐘,聽到斥罵聲仍未停止,很想過去跟他說夠了;當然清官難判別人家中事,偷偷拍了照片,溜了!(狗仔本色畢露-sorry lah!)
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5 条评论:

匿名 说...



匿名 说...


匿名 说...

Yes, I also have the same feeling that we the 3rd or the 4th generation Foochow are no longer holding the correct enunciation and articulation of the language-----and in this case the Foochow language.

Oya and anonymous are precisely right!

Oya is taking the restaurant workers overseas as an example, however, if I may take the kind of food that we find overseas in the Chinese restaurants for an additional parallel comparison.

In general, what we call some of the dishes of Chinese food are no longer Chinese food, because even though some of them may appear to the eye as Chinese, but when you come to the taste, you will definitely have the feeling that they are very different from the original Chinese taste that you are so used to when you take them at home.

And this is especially so, when you have been to places like the China Towns in London, Auckland, Christchurch, Melbourne, or even in Toronto or New York or San Francisco, and so on for that matter.

Mee Ling 说...




天鵝江畔 说...

In Fuzhou, when you are in different districts you can hardly understand what they are talking, the dialects are in different tones, even in Fuzhou city the next generation is not familiar with Foochow dialects.
I think Sibu still well done in talking Foochow dialects.
I will get back this issue when I am back to Sibu.
the computer I use now in Tawau without chinese inputs.